Integration & Development

As our daily reliance on software is growing, so is the need for new ways to integrate the individual parts of a business. For businesses who have been going a long time, there will be a mix of “off the shelf” products and “home grown” solutions in use. It would be short-sighted to imagine a software developer coming in and claiming to be able to just re-write your entire business’ systems from scratch, you would be right to feel sceptical if that was suggested. 

We would go as far as to say that you should remain sceptical if a developer suggests building something entirely from scratch, when more often than not it is better to start with a solid foundation that is supported.

If you were building a house you could choose to buy all the bricks and materials yourself, putting them together and likely end up with a good result. However, you wouldn’t decide to make your own bricks and windows, would you? It would be time-wasting, risky and “reinventing the wheel”.

Our approach is generally different. We listen to any ideas you may have, are open to learning new technologies where needed to achieve your desired goals and are flexible to your needs. Business systems tend to evolve gradually and companies end up in a position of having many critical aspects of their companies depending on obsolete products. 

The average development projects can last up to 4.5 months in the software world, so we aim to break that down into more manageable and quantifiable sections following Agile where possible. The end result is a much higher success rate when the customer is involved throughout the process. It gives you more freedom to control the project from a financial standpoint than an upfront estimate and often inaccurate assessment of total project cost.

Get in touch to discuss your requirements.   Contact Us

Our Process

Requirements Gathering

Establish main challenges, short and long-term goals, ensuring no stone is left unturned. Look at the existing systems.

Tech & Design Specs

Research all open-source and affordable systems that at least cover at 80% of your needs. If needs cannot be met 100%, we propose a detailed specification of bespoke software.


Creating an MVP (minimum viable product) as “working prototype”. Ensures you invest minimum upfront before committing to the whole project. You will be able to test this and if happy, we will work together to build your solution.

Develop & Test

We build your product iteratively and aim to follow an “Agile” methodology where possible. This means we work in small “blocks” of time on an agreed feature, after which you will be able to test the product. 

Final Release

After multiple development iterations, we will agree with yourself when you believe the product is ready for release.